Heck I'm so horny lately my green hat is pointy, and that's just my blog cartoon.
I don't know what it is, maybe it's the whole fever thing, makes me think of "Captain Smith and Pocahontas, had a very mad affair, when her daddy tried to kill him, she said daddy oh don't you dare he gives me feeeeeever."
I love that song.
Anyhoo, I'm gonna get laid for the next 30 days with Princess ABooBoo. Now, I don't think it's fair for her to just jump into the sack with me.
So here's to you ABooBoo, a little preview of what's to come. That way you won't be like "Hey! I never got a trailer for this extremely long extended edition of the Lord of the Rings installment!"
Unhu, you know what I mean.
Here's Caroline the Tweetie Twat:
OH NO I DIDN'T... Oh yes I did. Recorded that on my blackberry voice note.
There's a 30 Things Bucket List of sorts for the next thirty days. Now that's great and all, and I do plan to be a bother, oh hell, a bother won't come close. And I will of course amuse beyond that and go through with the Bucket List. But I'm not sure I need a list. As Amerie would say, "it's this one thing oh oh".
I honestly have only one goal in mind, and it sure as hell ain't to be friends. Right toots? Muah!
Disco Stick
Who's your pointy master biatch!
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