Monday, February 16, 2009

A Simple Question

If you're boring, then why do you exist?

Just thought I'd put that out there.


Looks like I'm a natural.


What's better than a disco stick? Porn Without Point. -Hence Title (Look Up)- So here's my personal collaboration:

Caroline and I had sex. Leonardo dragged her back into the cave. I'm sure there's a good explanation somewhere of why those two never break up and honestly check out other people. Maybe Caroline's afraid Leo's an ass deep down willing to get emotionally involved, maybe it's the other way around, maybe there's another reason and it's visible... but I just can't find it...

Love? Is that what you call knocking up?

Regardless, she's still a better bet for kicks than certain people I've already tweeted about. I feel used. 

But my fix works. 

What the cat?

I'm just here, waiting for my new BB.