Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cup of Tea? Anyone?

Humankind is destined to rot and swell up and die. Humankind is evil to its kin. No one will cut you a break if you give them the benefit of the doubt. No one will give you a second chance. So I'm young and I'm pissed, and I don't care anymore. ~ Lucille "Don't Give A Damn" Delton
So, um... I'm moving in to your apartment at a good time, right?


I've cared about others expecting something in return. I was so wrong. In the end, we all fend for ourselves. A smile is not returned with a smile in this world. ~ Lucille "World Has Fucked Me Over Enough" Delton

Does that mean you won't brew me some of your famous tea? Or make me a Sicilian Cassata as a welcome gift? Or a Chicken Taquito?... a campbell's soup?


What I'm going to do? Who the hell cares? Maybe I'll take over Eric's little throne. Maybe I WILL be the first female to lead the Deltons. Why not? Maybe I'll go to Japan and visit Tokyo Tower. Why not? Whatever I want. Whatever I feel like doing. ~ Lucille "I'M MORE EMO THAN YOU" Delton

Ok we need to get one thing straight. Bitch you ain't going nowhere for a month, not while I'm around. We made a deal, and you're sealing it, consensually or tied up and screaming. Because I'm willing to do both. Then we'll see who feels like a damn great fucking (Keyword: Fucking) woman.

How's that for my cup of tea? Only a couple more hours till my flight lands! See you there honeybuns!


The Big Comeback

Yeah, I was gonna write some sort of big comeback, but the guy sleeping next to me on the airplane had a huge hissy fit and now they're making all of us turn off our electronic equipment, lest he start shouting "TERRORIST ACTIVITY" again.

I'm moving in with Lucille. Whee. There are more people coming along for the ride, and this might turn fun fun fun or naaaaasty.

Well. All in good cheer.


My new catch phrase: "Take a hit, not a hike"

HA! Suck it McDouche.


Kisses and hugs from your sparkly disco stick ;)